City Diaries: Pumpkin Spice

Unfortunately, I refuse to fulfill the expected Basic profile and admit to drinking Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Aside from the fact that I don't even drink coffee, I dislike the idea of diminishing this complex autumn gourd's flavor to a simple, sugary syrup. Find me every Saturday, picketing at your local Starbucks. 

However, I do appreciate everything else that runs adjacent to the PSL. If you've chatted with me in the last two weeks, chances are I've probably talked about how "magical" fall in NYC is for me. All those warm fuzzy feelings people usually get during the Holidays? Mine are delivered upfront, the second the temperature hits below 65 degrees and I see a leaf with the slightest tinge of orange. 

Two years ago, I flew to New York for "work." Quotes make it dramatic, but I actually did have a work trip. However, I could not tell you a single work-related thing I did that week. Instead, I was consumed with the possibility of a new relationship that would later take me on 7+ cross-country trips in the next year, eventually ending in and a new home, a best friend, and long overdue happiness.

I often downplay it, but I fell in love on that trip. And it sparked me to make a series of important life changes—not just for my new relationship, but for myself. 

So, once the final heatwave passed and the first brisk wind kicked up the fallen leaves in my local park this year...I got that warm fuzzy feeling again. I remembered the girl I was—2 short years ago—walking in that same park (freezing in my wimpy California-girl denim jacket) dreaming of one day finding my way to back NYC. 

And here I am. Same girl, slightly warmer jacket.
